Category: Newsletters

Using your knowing

Knowing is the energy that comes from your true centre! Read More »

The OLD to the NEW!

In the past 'Time' was utilised like a channel. We could move forward, to try to get ahead of what was negative and uncomfortable energies. Read More »

Gifts For You

Given that you know who you are as a Light Being means that you know your energy is constantly moving to support you and what you are doing in every moment. Read More »

Where is your voice?

You are your voice!

Do you own that you are a Light Being?

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Live your AMAZING

I am reminded again and again - as I remind you again and again:


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Let's finish the year with Gratitude and Love

I ask the highest frequencies of Gratitude and Love to be with you as we complete 2021 and our finishing of the energies 'OLD'. Read More »


Creating your own magic is about your own awareness as you live in your NOW. Read More »

CREATE the life you want

The work you have done to continue clearing emotional and mental energies and the associated weight has enabled you to live in your TRUTH again! Read More »

FEAR and it's hold over you

FEAR! and the way it shuts you down...

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An Amazing Year

Gratitude for who you are and how you have grown this year! Read More »

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